Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Days After Christmas

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Well, As much as we looked forward to Christmas, I am glad life is back to "normal."
We had a beautiful Christmas filled with great gifts, quality time with both sets of grandparents and cousins.
Alli had originally asked Santa for a real microwave and white milk and chocolate milk for her babies. Thank goodness he found one. Although, she did change her request to "everything" with a little prompting from Kaylan! Santa also brought a Smartcycle that Alli has played with every day.
Liz was just happy to be here...most of the time. Santa brought her her own babies--twins. She loves her babies, her doll stroller, and her mega blocks.

We tried to emphasize that Christmas was about God showing his love to us through His gift of Jesus, but even though she could tell us that, I think she was more interested in presents than love.

So Alli thinks her Daddy should be home every morning when she gets up, and Liz looks around for her Bompa every day.

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